En este momento estás viendo Migration, a sure topic in Biden-López Obrador meeting in California
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Migration, a sure topic in Biden-López Obrador meeting in California

The presidents of the United States, Joe Biden, and Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will hold a meeting today in San Francisco that could address issues such as arms trafficking, fentanyl, and migration.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement that the two leaders «will discuss ongoing efforts to strengthen the U.S.-Mexico bilateral relationship and address issues of shared interest.»

«They will also discuss,» the spokeswoman stressed, «how we can continue to work together as partners to manage migration on our shared border and mobilize a hemispheric response to this challenge.

The Mexican president declined to attend the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles last June, following the exclusionary stance adopted by the U.S. government towards Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Some media reports indicate that at this meeting López Obrador will present to Biden -who traveled to his country in January- the agreements of the migration summit held on October 22 in Mexico, in which Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Panama and Venezuela participated.

The day before, the Mexican president had talks with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, and it was reported that there was agreement on several points.

«In the meeting with the president of China, Xi Jinping, in San Francisco, California, we reiterated our commitment to continue maintaining good relations for the benefit of our peoples and our nations,» said López Obrador in a message on his X account.

Held on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum in San Francisco, this was the first time the two leaders met face to face.

He also spoke with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, as confirmed by the dignitary himself on the microblogging platform.

«In the bilateral meeting with Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, we addressed the immigration issue and he expressed the confidence of his country’s businessmen to continue investing in Mexico and create jobs,» wrote López Obrador.

The APEC 2023 summit -which concludes this Friday- welcomed more than a thousand attendees in this city, among them leaders of the 21 economies that make up the group.

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