The team known in the virtual world as Team CTC Ciego de Ávila, achieved a new triumph by successfully carrying out the training concentration that was attended by 100% of the general secretaries of the Municipal Committees of the Central Workers of Cuba and the Provincial Unions corresponding to the different sectors of the economy and services.
During four days at the University Faculty of the Provincial Committee of the Party, the participants exchanged experiences on various topics with the purpose of enhancing knowledge management and extending the results to the union sections as basic cells of the labor organization that includes this initiative in the program of tribute activities for its 85th anniversary.
Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the CTC in the territory of Ciego de A
Ávila, highlighted the quality of the work presented in the final workshop of the course, in which research, unity and the work of union functioning were promoted.
For his part, Yuniel Espinosa Reyes, member of the Provincial Secretariat of the CTC, reported that the research teams with the best results were those dedicated to exposing the dividends of communicative skills, work planning, the methodology of the minutes, the importance of the membership and value of the membership assembly.
All participants received certificates of recognition and Ernesto Marrero Vega, general secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Education, Science and Sports Workers Union, was encouraged as the most outstanding cadre.