En este momento estás viendo The charm of the Cuban novel Act of War
Photo: lapapeleta.cu

The charm of the Cuban novel Act of War

The intelligence and counter-intelligence work of Cuba’s State Security Organs is present in the novel Actos de guerra, which keeps the reader expectant from beginning to end.

Alberto Marrero Fernández, president of the Writers’ Association of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) appreciated that they are made up of humble people, with the same needs and shortages as the majority of Cubans.

Although they do not have the enormous financial and technological resources of their adversaries, «they take on the challenge of thwarting their plans with the weapons of ideas», said Marrero Fernández at the recent presentation of the volume, which was a full house in the main hall of the Casa de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA cultural centre).

The Cuban intellectual offered his thoughts on the book, published by Editorial Capitán San Luis, authored by Enrique J. Wong Gutiérrez, Master in International Relations, winner of the 2022 Aniversario del Triunfo de la Revolución (2022 Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution) competition of the Ministry of the Interior.

However, he clarified that it is not only about his thoughts, «but also about the vast experience already possessed by our bodies, which managed to defeat more than 600 attempts against Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro».

I believe that Weapons of War reveals the intricacies of a world of conspiracies and criminal connections against our country, something that is constantly occurring and even increasing today.

At the same time, he continued, it pays tribute to those men and women who have defended and continue to defend the Cuban Revolution, often from the depths of anonymity, in the bowels of the empire and without receiving any perks or incentives of any kind.

The novel has the virtue of showing us the way in which the enemy’s plans are conceived from the inside, their methods and the professionalism with which they do it, he stressed.

According to Marrero Fernández, despite the difficult and complex economic and financial situation the country is going through, which is reflected in the printing industry and in book publishing, Cuban writers continue to produce their works and the institutions accompany them in their publicity, promotion and making them known to the reading public.

Enrique J. Wong Gutiérrez, author of Actos de guerra, has mastered the codes of the espionage novel, also known as a political thriller, and its greatest exponents in Cuba are Luis Rogelio Nogueras and Daniel Chavarría, both deceased.

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