En este momento estás viendo French deputies reject the blockade against Cuba and its intensification

French deputies reject the blockade against Cuba and its intensification

The France-Cuba Friendship Group of the National Assembly received today in this capital the Secretary of the Cuban National Assembly, Homero Acosta, at a meeting in which he stressed his rejection of the U.S. blockade and its intensification.

Headed by the president of the group, André Chassaigne (Communist Party), deputies from various French political forces heard details from the Secretary of the Cuban Council of State on the impact of the economic, commercial, and financial siege imposed by Washington for more than 60 years.

The inclusion of Cuba in the unilateral U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism and the extraterritorial scope of the blockade, which reaches banks, companies, and French citizens, were discussed at the meeting.

The parties also exchanged views on bilateral ties in the parliamentary sphere and other areas of socio-economic development, including medical cooperation.

Acosta presented to the parliamentarians of the Communist, Democratic Movement, National Rally, and Republican parties aspects of the reality of the Antillean nation, the achievements and challenges, and elements of the parliamentary scenario, marked by the adoption of new laws derived from the Constitution adopted in 2019.

The host deputies evoked a recent visit of the France-Cuba Friendship Group to the island and were interested in the political, economic, and social situation of the Caribbean country and its relations with the United States.

The secretary of the Cuban National Assembly was accompanied by Ambassador Otto Vaillant and by members of the delegation that fulfilled with him in recent days an intense agenda in Belgium, including deputies Tamara Valido, chairwoman of the Committee on Attention to Services, and Luis Morlote, vice president of the Committee on Education, Culture, Science, Technology, and Environment.

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