En este momento estás viendo Event tourism promoted in Ciego de Avila

Event tourism promoted in Ciego de Avila

The strengthening of the integration of state and private companies with the tourism sector is the main objective of the Business Fair that began on December 27 and will last until tomorrow at the Ciego de Avila Hotel, organized by the Provincial Government and the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR).

This initiative represents one of the incentives of the events segment that contributes to boost the commercialization of the sun and beach product and the quality of the services provided in the Jardines del Rey destination.

Iyolexis Correa Lorenzo, delegate of the MINTUR in the Avilean territory, mentioned among the activities included in this segment of events the international fishing tournament at the Marlin Marina in Cayo Guillermo; the so-called Caracol, Culture and Tradition; the UNICA International Scientific Convention, and the Jardines del Rey Gastronomic Festival.

The strategy to expand event tourism represents another attraction to be promoted, in view of the celebration of the FitCuba International Tourism Fair, to be held in May 2024.

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