En este momento estás viendo Etecsa workers in Ciego de Avila committed to maintaining services
De izquierda a derecha Reinel Sergio Luna Pérez, jefe de grupo de Marketing, Aleida Sotolongo Díaz, jefa de departamento Comercial y Wilfredo José Rodríguez Rodríguez, director de Etecsa en la provincia. Foto: Causilla Cutiño / From left to right Reinel Sergio Luna Pérez, group head of Marketing, Aleida Sotolongo Díaz, head of the Commercial department and Wilfredo José Rodríguez Rodríguez, Etecsa's director in the province. Photo: Causilla Cutiño

Etecsa workers in Ciego de Avila committed to maintaining services

Despite the difficult economic and energy situation in the country, and the cruel US blockade, the workers of the Territorial Division of Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. (Etecsa) in Ciego de Avila are committed to strengthening the movement of innovators and maintaining the vitality of services to the population.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Wilfredo José Rodríguez Rodríguez, director of Etecsa in this province, explained that only 55 percent of the radio bases have energy backup, which is why they are exploring alliances with organisations and entities in search of alternatives.

At the meeting it was announced that there are currently more than 50,000 customers using fixed telephony, four thousand more than in 2020, and by the end of 2024 there were more than 330,000 mobile lines, representing 76.85 per cent of the population of Avila.

As for Nauta Hogar, which has already reached 10,800 customers in Ciego de Avila, the official said that the available capacity depends on the coverage and the number of customers who have a modem.

Etecsa reaches 2025 with a complex situation, as the lack of equipment caused by the imperialist blockade imposed on Cuba directly affects the provision of services, which is why specialists and technicians are looking for innovative solutions.

The Cuban Telecommunications Company will implement a series of commercial measures this year, which will be informed and explained at the time of their application, so the population is advised to keep informed through the company’s official channels and the media.

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