En este momento estás viendo Díaz-Canel: I invite you to continue overcoming the impossible
Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic. Photo taken from ACN

Díaz-Canel: I invite you to continue overcoming the impossible

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, today sent a message of gratitude to all those who gave their solidarity support to Pinar del Río when it needed it.

Thank you, Cuba, for continuing to raise hope, the president added in a message through the social network Twitter, where along with the hashtag #JuntarYVencer he shared a postcard congratulating the Cuban people for 2023.


A verse from the song Venga la esperanza, by troubadour Silvio Rodríguez heads the image.

«Come, hope, come along to me

Let the frost fly away, let the hummingbird fly away

Let the candle swell, let the engine roar

Without hope, where does love go?

May 2023 surprise us by raising hope, says the text of the postcard that shows a collective of electrical workers accompanied by a Cuban flag, a bust of Marti, a picture of Fidel and a flag of the 26th of July Movement with the text Thank you people.

Always above the challenges and never below the dreams. Thanks to all those who supported it in the difficult 2022, ends the text.

«With our postcard this year we want to honor and thank all those who lent a hand when Pinar del Río needed it. Thank you, #Cuba, for continuing to raise hope. #JuntarYVencer.»

This second tweet he accompanied with a video in which he addresses a few words to the Cuban people:

«Dear compatriots:

We reach 2023 after overcoming together one of the most challenging years of Cuban revolutionary history.

As we push the door of 2023 we feel deep inside the strength of the historical legacy that propels us towards the new year without fear and without doubts, but always aware that it could be even more difficult.

We are summoned by the certainty that the creativity of our people is infinite, and that we did not get here by going backwards: we got here by ascending.

All that we resisted and created in the most challenging year is proof that it can be done. Again and again, it can be done.

At the gates of this most challenging year and, therefore, more attractive to anyone who feels revolutionary, I invite you to work with passion and enthusiasm to continue overcoming the impossible.

Let us advance over the blockade until it becomes impossible for its architects to hinder our progress.

We are all summoned, let us together make a better country, to make our dreams come true here where we learned to dream.

Today it is up to us to guarantee the sustainability of the just conquests with Marti’s maxim that patriotism is a holy duty when one fights to put the Homeland in a condition for men to live in it more happily.

Let this be our sacred endeavor. I count on all of you. Let hope come».

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