En este momento estás viendo Activities to begin to honor educators
Photo Radio Morón

Activities to begin to honor educators

With an event at the Nguyen Van Troi Pre-University on November 10 and special morning sessions in the remaining school institutions, the Day of tribute to workers in the Education sector will begin in the avilanian municipality of Morón.

The even, which will extend with multiple activities until December 22, the date proclaimed as Educator’s Day, will be linked to the Week of the Triumph of the Revolution, and will have as its main slogan “Education Morón, Beating of Victories.”

During this period, serenades will be held for prominent teachers of the municipality, and a special event about the life of the historical Leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro, called “The Grateful Are With You.”

The recognition of fourth-year students of the pedagogical career and members of the FEU belonging to the Educating with Love Pedagogical Contingent, and beautification and volunteer work activities in schools and offices of the General Directorate of Education, are part of the extensive program conceived by the Educator’s Day.

The students will join the day’s activities, with a symbolic disembarkation of the Granma yacht on December 2nd and also in celebration of FAR Day.

Morning sessions and activities have been conceived in memory of the young literacy teacher Manuel Ascunce Domenech, among other activities. (Written by Leonel Iparraguirre González)

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