The unequal and vulnerable constitute necessary and important tasks that the Cuban government intends to undertake in the coming year 2023, according to statements by the country authorities.
Attention to inequalities and people in situations of vulnerability will be one of the objectives prioritized by the nation leaders, with the main protagonism of the directors of the provinces, municipalities and communities.
In recent years, the number of citizens in need of different types of institutional assistance has grown on the island.
Especially the adult population, since aging is a reflection of the high life expectancy of the population, which in Cuba reaches 78.45 years.
Unequal and vulnerable people have different needs that do not always coincide, since their requirements range from higher income, housing, wheelchairs, beds for the bedridden, among others.
And also, those who live without a family, require couriers to buy their food, medicines, fuel for cooking and some paperwork.
The delegates of the districts and the presidents of the People’s Councils are the ones who are closest to this problem and have to identify each case in their demarcation, in order to process their needs and find solutions.
In Cuba abou 20 thousand families receive some kind of protection, but it is necessary to locate all the people who need it, in a humanitarian and equitable society.