En este momento estás viendo U.S. threat is rejected and unveils intentions with Venezuela

U.S. threat is rejected and unveils intentions with Venezuela

The recent interference and threats by the United States in Venezuela’s internal affairs were unanimously rejected by the National Assembly (Parliament) and the Government, and revealed the true intentions of the imperial power.

The statements made by the spokesman of the National Security Council of the White House, John Kirby, set off the alarms and intensified what could be seen coming, after the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice to ratify the disqualification for 15 years of the opposition candidate María Corina Machado.

During a press conference, the senior U.S. official threatened sanctions and said «we have options at our disposal».

Kirby warned the government of Nicolás Maduro on Monday that it has until April to comply with the agreements reached with the opposition in Barbados before the United States makes decisions on sanctions.

«I’m not going to advance any of them at this point, but we certainly have options with respect to sanctions and those kinds of things that we can take. You have until April,» he said threateningly.

Parallel to this was the decision of the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control, which reported the modification of License 43 of October 18 last year.

This document granted limited permits for six months to the Venezuelan Compañía General de Minería to carry out transactions for the production and commercialization of its gold, and now it is modified by the decision of the TSJ with politicians of the right wing.

The indignation was felt through a communiqué from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which repudiated the attempts of blackmail and interference in internal affairs by the Government of the United States, which it said constitute an ultimatum against the entire Venezuelan society.

He indicated that through «coercion and threats», Washington seeks to impose a coup d’état, disregard the institutions of the Republic, apply new coercive measures and destabilize the Venezuelan economy and the welfare of its people.

The note rejected «absolutely and unequivocally» the neocolonialist interventionism that the United States is trying to impose against an independent country that fully exercises its national sovereignty and has the right to choose its own destiny.

It denounced that this onslaught is supported by «sectors of the oligarchy, of the big names, linked to past calls for the imposition of illegal sanctions that affected the national, regional and global economy».

The Bolivarian Republic affirmed that «it will not yield to any blackmail» and expressed that its institutions will continue to comply with the laws and the national Constitution, in accordance with the mandate received by the Venezuelan people.

The Parliament also categorically rejected any interference in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian Republic and any form of ultimatum by the Government of the United States.

The highest body of the Legislative Power unanimously approved by the parliamentarians of both benches an agreement in rejection of any decision that seeks to undermine the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and self-determination.

It categorically repudiated and rejected any form of ultimatum emanating from the U.S. government, which «echoed the applause of violent extremism» of the surnames of the national oligarchies of the fascist ultra-right.

He also reaffirmed the support to the Barbados agreements of October 17, 2023 for the holding of the presidential elections of this year, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

The text immediately summoned a great table of national dialogue, «broad and inclusive», with the purpose of elaborating together a proposal for a presidential electoral chronogram to be submitted promptly to the Electoral Power.

It includes the call to all economic, political, social, business, political parties, pre-candidates, civil society and social movements, public servants, workers, students, academics, intellectuals, indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, women’s organizations, among others.

The President of the Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, proposed to all sectors of the political and social life of the country to go to the National Electoral Council next Monday in order to propose a date for the holding of the presidential elections.

William Castillo, Vice Minister of Anti-Blockade Policies of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, was categorical in affirming that the opposition María Corina Machado is Washington’s woman and that they intend to impose her at sanction point.

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