Among anecdotes, stories, poems and literary curiosities, a pleasant exchange took place with deans of the teaching profession in Morón, among whom were literacy teachers, retirees and reinstated teachers, as a recognition organized by the General Directorate of Education on the occasion of the Day of the Educator.
During the opening ceremony, children from the early childhood of the Círculo Flor del Festival welcomed the educators with poems and performances, which were applauded by all the attendees.
With the presence of Mayelín Luís Pérez, Deputy to the National Assembly and Doris Casola, member of the Municipal Bureau of the Party, the meeting was conducted by Professor Yamila Tomasa Ferrá, Methodologist of the Municipal Directorate, who praised the privilege of holding a meeting with men and women of exemplary trajectories in the Education sector.
After reading a congratulatory message from the Ministry of Education on the occasion of the event, in which it was expressed that nothing in a country is as transcendental as the work of its educators, several of the attendees shared their professional experiences.
Corina Martínez, a reinstated retiree trained at the Manuel Ascunce Domenech Pedagogical Detachment, highlighted moments in her career as an educator and emphasized that it was a privilege to have been a member of the advance squad in the new type of schools in the citrus-growing area of Ceballos.
With the same intensity spoke Arsenio Gonzalez, reinstated retiree of the Ignacio Agramonte Educational Institution, who highlighted the role of educators in the formation of values.
The activity was a pleasant meeting that began with hugs, pleasant conversations that brought back old memories of those moments when it was necessary to apply a first process of transformations in the Education System in the country. (Leonel Iparraguirre González)