En este momento estás viendo Timing the harvest in Ciego de Ávila
A document containing the history of the Ciro Redondo sugar mill was delivered by historian Eumelio Marín Marín to Liván Izquierdo Alonso, first secretary of the Party in Ciego de Ávila. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

Timing the harvest in Ciego de Ávila

The member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in Ciego de Ávila, Liván Izquierdo Alonso called in a meeting with producers of the sugar sector to get the accounts right in a harvest with material limitations, but with the will to achieve efficiency with the available resources in the Ciro Redondo sugar mill, in the municipality of the same name in Ciego de Ávila.

Danilo Fernández Madrigal, general director of Agroindustrial Sugar Company Ciro Redondo, informed that the contest requires a check-up from the beginning of the work at dawn until the end of the actions in the sugar cane fields, and an industrial efficiency council to take the pulse of the contest every day. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

This modern sugar mill, which is currently in the testing phase, produces molasses for the rum factory located in the town of Falla, and when a stable exchange in the agro-industrial processes is achieved with the nearby bioelectric plant, which is in the technological adjustment phase, sugar production will begin to guarantee the commitment of the 2022-2023 harvest.

In the meeting, which was also attended by Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, Provincial Governor, Izquierdo Alonso called to maintain a rigorous control of the fulfillment of the daily task and a permanent communication with the producing units that will pay the raw material to the sugar mill.

It is a question of quantifying in detail how many combines and trucks start and finish each day in the sugarcane field, their productivity and efficiency because it will be a difficult contest that shows in its antechamber limitations of batteries, tires and spare parts for the machinery directly involved in the cutting and transportation of the grass.

A strategic mission for a sector that needs to revive itself will be to grind the sugar cane left over and required in previous contests, with a view to pay the sugar cane growers and seek greater income to reduce the accumulated economic losses of more than 240 million pesos in the four agro-industrial sugar companies in the territory.

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