The musical group from Avila, the Quintet Cuerdas y Voces del Llano
together with Emiliano Sardiñas;El Poeta de la Mochila, are in Mexico for a Mexico for a cultural exchange.
The artistic embassy will initially perform in the municipality of Jaumave, in the State of Tamaulipas. Jaumave, in the State of Tamaulipas, with their wide repertoire and some new songs.
The Quintet Cuerdas y Voces del Llano is directed by the poet and
Gualberto Domínguez and belongs to the catalog of the Empresa Provincial Comercializadora de la Música Provincial Comercializadora de la Música y los Espectáculos, Musicavila.
The outstanding musical group is traveling for the second time this year to Mexico
for the second time this year to Mexico for a series of presentations in several states of that nation.
Their repertoire includes more than 80 musical numbers from a wide variety of genres
of the most varied genres, including country folklore, as well as different types of «puntos» and «tonadas» of different types.