En este momento estás viendo The binomial wants to be perfect
Ciro Redondo Bioelectrical Plant, Ciego de Ávila/ Photo Trabajadores

The binomial wants to be perfect

More than five years ago, word spread through the avilanian town of Pina that the marabú would cease to be the king of the mangrove to become biomass or «spark» that would ignite the engines of a modern industry that would produce cleaner electric energy.

Workers were on the ground with the news from the beginning of the land leveling works, the symbolic placement of the first stone that announced the official beginning of the investment, the hustle and bustle of the harvesting machines in the marabuzal and the synchronization to the National Electro-energetic System.

Another published event was the fact that Cuban only bioelectric plant became an important part of the epicenter of millionaire economic losses, together with the Ciro Redondo sugar mill that shut down its machinery in January 2021, thus accumulating three consecutive contests with the displeasure of the non-fulfillment of the sugar plan.

On the fourth time…

As the third time could not be the one in relation to the expected fruitful exchange of bagasse and condensed water from the sugar mill, and the delivery to that mill of steam and energy by the bioelectric plant, now from both centers it is expected that the new opportunity will be great and they dream of a perfect harvest.

The possibility of overcoming such an endeavor or getting closer to perfection was discussed at the recent meeting to evaluate the preparations for the start of the 2022-2023 sugar harvest, scheduled for next December in the province of Ciego de Ávila.

Engineer Vidal Martín Sarduy, manager of the Ciro Redondo sugar mill, informed that partial tests of the equipment were carried out in each area. «We still have to carry out the exercise and the general test when the synchronization with the bioelectric plant is achieved».

Ariel Díaz Román, director of the electricity generating plant, argued in this respect: «All the efficiency indicators were improved with respect to previous years in the tests carried out with the forest biomass last July.

«Today, the most important work is the completion of the bagasse feeding system to boiler #1 and part of boiler #2, which depend on imported resources; when they arrive, it will take a week to complete the preparation.

«Our collective has among its commitments to comply with the generation plan to deliver 84,384 megawatt hours to the National Electro-energy System and more than 21,100 megawatt hours and the necessary steam to the power plant…».

We have to take care of the sugarcane, otherwise we will not have biomass-fuel, sugar and energy, farmers and mechanizers stressed. Danilo Fernández Madrigal, director of the Sugar Agro Indusrial Company Ciro Redondo, emphasized: «The essence of the next contest will consist in the rigorous control of the consumption rate of fuels and lubricants, a task for all of us».

To beat for the people

The harvest is not only to boost the economy, that is why the plans fulfilled based on efficiency will be the formula that will stimulate the socialist emulation, so everyone should know in each area what to do to declare their workers in victory and beating for the people, in honor of the 64th anniversary of the Revolution, reflected Liván Izquierdo Alonso, first secretary of the Party in Ciego de Ávila.

And he emphasized the priorities: Extending the change of image to the radius of action of the production units, attending with food to the men and women who will make harvest responsibility in charge of Tecnoazucar, EsAzucar, Commerce and Gastronomy and other entities providing services.

Thus, everything is going in terms of expanding the power of a binomial, although its «theorem» has been proposed for more than five years, not precisely by the ingenious Newton, but by those who wish that, in the center of the province of Ciego de Ávila, the acronym of success is written in capital letters: WHBP (What Has Been Proved).

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