En este momento estás viendo Voluntary blood donation program developed in Ciego de Ávila

Voluntary blood donation program developed in Ciego de Ávila

In response to the demands of the Public Health sector in its purpose of saving lives, the Cuban Workers´Central Union in Ciego de Ávila develops a voluntary blood donation program in which representatives of the various unions participate.

Magali Álvarez Pino, an official of the labor organization in the province, pointed out that, after agreements signed with the Directorate of the Bank of Extractions, the task becomes systematic in correspondence with the degree of availability in the entities.

Likewise, she praised the level of participation of affiliates with prominence for Defense Civilians, who over time have been at the forefront of the activity, a task to be strengthened in greeting May Day, World Day of the Proletariat.

For her part, Martha Méndez Mellor, Director of the assistance center, said that thanks to the joint performance, to date in the current year the indicators of the blood plan in the general hospitals of the main city and Morón are favorable, with emphasis on the Baragua municipality as vanguard in the emulation of the organism, followed by Majagua and Chambas; while trailing behind are Ciro Redondo, Florencia, Venezuela and Bolivia.

The CTC and its unions, in their desire to increase voluntary blood donations in Ciego de Ávila, also have among their pillars the members of the industrial branch, who this weekend achieved significant participation in such a noble and altruistic act.

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