En este momento estás viendo Soccer balls distributed throughout the country
Photo: Courtesy of AFC

Soccer balls distributed throughout the country

The Cuban Soccer Association delivered hundreds of balls to each province for the practice of the sport.

Nearly 5 thousand soccer balls were distributed throughout the country to encourage the practice of this sport.

The Cuban Football Association (AFC) delivered hundreds of balls to each province in order to cover the needs from the grassroots to the high performance level.

«Obviously, the balls were provided for high performance, for the women’s team of each province that plays in the national league, and for the men who are preparing for the 108th National Soccer League, about to begin,» said Yulier Herranz, head of the AFC development office.

«Not only for the elite were balls delivered, but the academies, sports initiation schools and areas in the popular councils will also benefit. This is due to the importance of mass soccer practice and its contribution to the high performance pyramid,» Herranz explained.

This was not the only equipment guaranteed by the entity in favor of sports practice for 2024. Recently, all the teams participating in the women’s league were equipped with an integral module containing clothing, shoes and other items.

This is not only intended to guarantee the equipment for playing and training, but also to ensure the uniformity and comfort of the players during their transportation and stay in the provinces during the tournament.

«All this responds to the strategy to develop soccer, drawn with opinions gathered by the country. It was a long-standing desire to have uniforms for all the teams in the different championships and we have managed to provide them with first-class equipment of high quality standards,» said Oliet Rodríguez, president of the AFC.

The referees also benefited from modern clothing to carry out their work, which they do with increasing professionalism.

«With respect to the balls, we hope that each territory can put them to the best use for the benefit of the practice of soccer and that they are responsible for their care,» said Rodríguez.

The balls vary in models of different quality and shape. The final destination of the balls is specified in each province, in proportion to the needs of each area.

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