En este momento estás viendo Relevance of political processes to begin in Cuba highlighted

Relevance of political processes to begin in Cuba highlighted

Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), highlighted the relevance of the political processes that will be developed in the coming months in the country to accompany the implementation of the Government’s Projections to correct distortions and boost the economy.

From his official profile on X, the party leader highlighted that the speeches of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, Miguel Díaz-Canel, on the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, will be discussed in the grassroots organizations of the PCC and the Union of Young Communists (UJC), as well as in the structures of the Government.

Likewise, the political formation will promote the discussion of the document «Basic concepts for the correction of deviations and negative tendencies in Cuban society».

In this regard, Morales Ojeda commented that this is a practice that is not new in Cuba, as it has deep historical antecedents and the encouragement of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro.

In another message, the Secretary of Organization stressed that this political process will contribute to reaffirm the strategic importance of unity, exemplarity and combativeness in the revolutionary ranks.

We hope that it will be rigorous, creative and that it will go to the essence of the urgencies we have, he added.

According to what transpired during the most recent meeting of the Council of Ministers, the objective of said process is to advance with coherence in the implementation of the economic measures, and that the social, ideological and economic problems can be approached, with integrality in the analysis.

During the meeting Díaz-Canel said that these will be large-scale processes, which begin with a discussion of the party militancy, covering all the administrative structures, and also the workers, students, and the population in the communities, therefore the whole Cuban society will be involved in these debates.

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