En este momento estás viendo Provincial authorities preside over work plenary in Majagua
Photo: Amador Rodríguez López

Provincial authorities preside over work plenary in Majagua

The reduction in August of agricultural products by more than 50% of the 30 pounds established, was among the most debated aspects in Majagua in plenary chaired by authorities from the Avilanian province.

At the meeting, Livan Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and its first secretary in the territory, reflected on strengthening the working ties between the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Association of Small Farmers, ANAP and the leadership of the Collection company.

In the meeting, which was also attended by Vice Governor Hiorvanis Espinosa Pérez, emphasis was placed on the hiring for next year and the previous tasks that must be completed before September 15, the date on which the seminars for guarantee the quality of the work with a high responsibility on the part of the producers.

Other aspects discussed here were the epidemiological situation of the southwest of Ciego de Ávila, for which actions with provincial support were proposed, the progress of bankarization was evaluated and the commitment of the different sectors to the stage of decisive effort to greet the 65th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

This document, Izquierdo Alonso considered, should be enriched by taking into account the need to increase the comprehensive sense that a program dedicated to a date as important to the Cuban people as January 1, 1959 requires.

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