En este momento estás viendo Meeting held with young people from several generations in Majagua (+photos)
Photos: Amador Rodríguez López

Meeting held with young people from several generations in Majagua (+photos)

Smiles, emotions and even inevitable tears, characterized the meeting of young people of several generations made in Majagua at the beginning of the activities by the 61st anniversaries of the Union of Young Communists and 62 of the Pioneer Organization.

In the appointment, which was based to the La Playita recreational center of the town, interventions such as Cecilio Lobato Espinosa, who in the middle of the 80s was the first secretary of the youth organization in this municipality, who revived important moments of The history of this territory.

In this regard, he emphasized the participation of the young people of that time in flood stages, in the remodeling of the Provincial Camp of Pioneers Explorers Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, in the creation of the Plaza 26 de Julio and in the actions of the youth groups of the sugar cane harvest.

On the other hand, Ana Rosa Rodríguez Fernández and Isora Rivera Castro, referred to different moments of their years as youth leaders among them, the fact in which Isora was given the task of taking the relatives of an internationalist the sad message of his fall in combat in African soil.

Yuliet Díaz Gómez, first secretary of the UJC, on the initiator of the activities for April 4 in the Avilanian Southwest, said: “With this we were demonstrated once again that at all times the unit has been the way to go ahead with the performance of the tasks, no matter how difficult they have been ”.

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