The issue of high prices, mainly in transportation and agricultural products, was among the most discussed topics by the delegates of the People’s Power in the municipality of Majagua, in its 12th ordinary session of the current mandate.
In this regard, and in correspondence with the investigations carried out, the institutions responsible for the activity noted old price agreements, the lack of complaints from the population and the need to intensify controls in this regard.
This analysis meeting was attended by the Member of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba Bárbara Guerra Pérez and Yanelis Peña García, acting First Secretary of the Political Organization of the territory, and the implementation of the program for the advancement of women and the progress of the teaching-learning process were evaluated.
Also in this area, according to the report offered by the president of the Municipal Assembly and deputy to the Cuban Parliament Humberto Fleitas Portal, emphasis was made on the need to strengthen the implementation of social programs in the district of Mamonal for being the least favored.
In addition, as part of the program of the twelfth ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in Majagua, a training session was held this Sunday aimed at deepening the effects of the Commercial and Financial Blockade on the districts.