En este momento estás viendo IX Session of the Assembly of People’s Power convened in Majagua
Photo: Amador Rodríguez López

IX Session of the Assembly of People’s Power convened in Majagua

In accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of Law 132 of 2019, Humberto Fleitas Portal, President of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power in Majagua, convened the IX Ordinary Session of the current term.

Said meeting is set for Thursday, December 28 with venue at the UEB of General Services of the oil sector, which makes the referred call to be circulated among the delegates of the Municipal Assembly, deputies to the Cuban parliament, administrative directorates, political and mass organizations, judicial bodies, mass media and to all natural and legal persons interested in knowing about it.

In addition to the fulfillment of the agreements adopted in previous sessions, the draft agenda proposes the presentation and approval of the Economy and Budget plan for the year 2024, the march and the fight against social indiscipline and crime, the food program on the accountability report and the local development of the agro-industry.

Articles 34.1 and 34.2 of the aforementioned legal regulation provide that the Municipal Assemblies of the People’s Power shall hold ordinary sessions as many times as deemed necessary by the Assembly itself or its president, and at least six times during the year.

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