Miriam Muñoz Benítez was recently distinguished with the National Theatre Award 2025.
Firm, feisty, with a restless character, proud of her work capacity and very sure of herself, despite her small size, are some of the traits that define Miriam Muñoz Benítez, recently distinguished with the National Theatre Award 2025.
During a brief pause in her rehearsal time, Granma was able to get some impressions of this woman of great artistic stature. In spite of her relative modesty, she is full of satisfaction.
«I am very happy and grateful for the decision of such a prestigious jury, although I did not really expect the prize. I must confess that I was especially touched by the reaction of many people from all over the country.
Most of them expressed their sympathy with a brief expression: «Well, it’s about time!
-How much do you owe this recognition to Teatro Icarón, to which you have devoted so much effort and talent?
-Icarón sums up my work of the last 25 years, but this distinction includes my time with the theatre group El Mirón Cubano, Papalote; the contribution of all the directors who have led me and, of course, of those who have been faithful to the love of the stage.
-Is Edith perhaps the character for whom you are most praised?
-Edith, with text and direction by fellow actor Gilberto Subiaurt, brought me consecration as an actress, and Las penas que a mí me matan, by Albio Paz, launched me to national awards, but for many years I have been distinguished for my status as a teacher, something I carry with great pride.
«Another very inspiring endeavour is to give continuity to the dramatic theatre in my city, whose purpose is precisely that young people value the importance of being on stage, a detail that seems sacred to me».
-What is the key to your work as an actress and creator?
-It can be summed up in the teaching of my first teachers, such as Albio Paz, René Fernández, Armando Crespo, Rolando Estévez…, in short, it is to achieve persistence. I am very stubborn on stage, I need to feel good and believe in everything I do.
-What does the city of Matanzas represent in your life?
-It has given me a lot of what I am, and when life hurts, I follow my friend Carilda’s advice: I go to Calle del Medio and buy an illusion.
-Beyond the Prize, how do you look back on your work?
-Although at times I feel tired, the truth is that I have achieved a lot. I am a woman who is always ready to face any circumstance, who knew how to lead a career parallel to raising five children, four grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. There has been no shortage of challenges.
Despite the praise for the award received, «I cannot conceive happiness outside the stage». (Author: Ventura de Jesús)