En este momento estás viendo Health there is
Isdalys Rodríguez (left), second secretary of the national CTC, emphasized the need to fill vacant positions, a recurring issue in the organization's leader policy in Ciego de Ávila. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

Health there is

The need to promote human, economic and financial health centered attention in a meeting of the main leaders of the trade union movement in the province of Ciego de Ávila, chaired by Isdalys Rodríguez Rodríguez, member of the Central Committee of the Party and second secretary of the Central of Workers of Cuba.

It transcended that due to non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic measures, outbreaks of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito have been detected in 121 workplaces, due to the lack of systematicity of the focal self-control brigades, weeding, solid waste, leaks, stagnant water, tanks and records without lids, among other shortcomings that cause a growing trend of people with fever and hospitalized due to insect-borne diseases.

The municipalities of Majagua, Ciego de Ávila, Ciro Redondo and Morón have the highest incidences, and Baraguá is on alert.

Another issue that requires more actions to sustain vitality is checking the 24 companies with profits at 150 percent compliance with the plan, 10 of them with excessive balances: Collection, Agroforestry, Musicávila, Ciego Municipal Gastronomy, Dairy Industry, MININT Comercial Administration, and the farms Florencia, Chambas, Integral Ciego de Ávila and La Cuba.

Roberto Pérez García, member of the CTC Secretariat in Ciego de Ávila, explained that they began an analysis with the Boards of Directors of these entities to assess the situation conditioned by incorrect planning, workforce reduction, price increases and other issues that They are not priority objectives to solve economic inefficiency.

During the debate it became clear that the Avilanian trade union movement also needs a thorough revision. It generates more expenses than income in its management, which does not guarantee the sustainability of the salary and shows deterioration in the cost of commercial activity, according to what is reflected in the report analyzed at the meeting.

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