En este momento estás viendo Frente Amplio continues to lead in Uruguayan election survey

Frente Amplio continues to lead in Uruguayan election survey

Eight months before the national elections, the opposition Frente Amplio (FA) now has the majority in the perception of citizens in Uruguay, according to a survey by the publication Montevideo Portal.

«If the national elections were today, which party would you vote for?», was the question asked to Internet users, which collected responses from January 23 to 30, a period in which 20,618 interactions were counted, according to the source.

According to the survey data, the FA would prevail in October 2024 with 48.96 percent of the votes, much higher than the 39.01 percent it reached in 2019.

Then, it won the first round, but when it did not reach 50 percent of the votes, a runoff was necessary, in which Luis Lacalle Pou won the presidency, standard-bearer for a coalition of parties that remains in place to this day.

In the Montevideo Portal poll, the president’s National Party obtained 22.34 percent.

Among the parties of the government coalition, the Colorado party had a slight rebound and obtained 10.22 percent of the preferences.

Similar is the fate of Cabildo Abierto, which stopped its sustained downward trend and reached 2.49 percent, slightly below the Independent Party (2.93 percent).

The other political formation in the government, Partido de la Gente, maintains a marginal percentage of only 0.37.

The survey showed little change in the party internals.

The mayor of Canelones, Yamandú Orsi, continues to lead among the frenteamplista presidential pre-candidates.

The same happens with the former Secretary of the Presidency, Álvaro Delgado, for the ruling National Party.

In the Colorado Party, the leadership of Robert Silva, former president of the National Administration of Public Education, is maintained, although there the race is closer with other rivals.

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