En este momento estás viendo Unforgettable graduation for students and professors
Presentation of diplomas to the graduates on a beautifully decorated stage/Photos taken from Facebook

Unforgettable graduation for students and professors

The graduation of the students who finished the ninth grade of the Pablo Elvio Pérez Cabrera Basic Secondary School, of the City Center Popular Council, in the avilanian capital city, took place with a beautiful activity on Thursday evening.

The cultural institution Patio de Artex was the scene of the ceremony that turned into a party for those who finish a level of education, suitable for teenagers.

It was not only an act of awarding diplomas, since it was conceived with an elegant sense, from the decoration of the place, to the script that was elaborated to say goodbye to the students who pass to a higher level of education.

Teachers were honored for their work/ Photos taken from Facebook

Osmany Morales, director of the school, and his enthusiastic work team, organized this graduation with a cultural segment, in which music, song and dance provided special enjoyment.

The graduates received their diplomas and were also presented to the teachers who taught them the different subjects and completed a study program, readjusted due to the interruptions caused by the transit of the COVID-19 through the island.

An unforgettable day for students and their families and also for teachers and workers of the school, who on Monday will receive new students and continuing students, to open a new cycle in avilanian education.

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