With the spirit of being winners of impossible things, the Majagua federates held their 11th FMC Congress Assembly, where working for a greater youth presence in the development of tasks was among the most debated aspects.
On the topic, Alba González Massip, director of the “Doña Emilia González Echemendía” Pre-University Institute, and the guest Orelvis Hernández Mendoza, with equal responsibility at the “Ángel del Castillo” mixed center, presented their experiences of how the school through direct links with the Families can contribute.
The initial intervention of Yudixy Liena Pérez, fulfilling her missions as a member of the Women’s Military Service and currently a medical student, was very emotional, who shared her experiences.
Other aspects discussed in this area were the participation of women in local development, in the work of prevention and social care groups, saving electricity and in yards used for food production; This aspect motivated to increase the number in greeting to the 65th anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
The interventions of the member of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, Nexy Veliz Naranjo, and the official of the National Secretariat of the FMC, Yanexi Díaz Lezcano, regarding the unity between all the factors were timely.
Mirza Tamara Zequeira Gago was ratified in the position of general secretary of the Municipal Committee, which was presented after its renewal as well as the secretariat, the proposals to the provincial leadership, the 15 delegates to the Assembly at that instance and three pre-candidates to Congress, while the founder, still active, Isolina Gálvez Castiñeira, was recognized.