En este momento estás viendo Doctors from the Ciego de Avila hospital attend to the residents of Guayacanes
The presence of medical teams in rural areas of the province has become commonplace. Photo HPDALI

Doctors from the Ciego de Avila hospital attend to the residents of Guayacanes

A new edition of the Jornada por la Salud Abrazando el Barrio brought medical attention to the inhabitants of the town of Guayacanes, Majagua municipality.

Professionals from the provincial teaching hospital Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola went to the aforementioned community and carried out 403 consultations in 15 specialties, with Ophthalmology and Optometry being the most popular.

Dr. Alberto Moronta Enrique, director of that institution and deputy to the National Assembly of People’s Power, headed the medical delegation and posted on his social network X: «Many thanks to all the health professionals of our hospital who in a humanist gesture provided their services in that community».

The presence of teams of specialists in rural areas of the province of Ciego de Avila has become habitual, an action that facilitates medical assistance to the inhabitants and avoids the transfer of these to the hospitals of Ciego de Avila and Morón.

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