En este momento estás viendo Demand in Italy a halt to US actions against Cuba

Demand in Italy a halt to US actions against Cuba

Various political and social organisations in Italy once again demanded the cessation of the US government’s actions against Cuba, which affect its people, aimed at destabilising that country, a communiqué said today.

In a message published on the website of the daily Il Faro di Roma, issued by the Communists’ Network, as well as by the left-wing youth organisations Cambiare Rotta and the Student Opposition of Alternative (OSA), they demand that President Joe Biden remove Cuba from the list of «state sponsors of terrorism».

In the note, the signatory organisations point out that after more than 60 years of the infamous economic and commercial blockade, the US administrations still refuse to «accept that the Cuban people are determined to resist and defend their course and way of life, without suffering external interference».

«They do not accept that Cuba has demonstrated at the international level the capacity to establish relations of equality and cooperation throughout the world, which is evident in our country since the arrival of the Medical Brigades during the Covid period, and more recently with the presence of Cuban health specialists in Calabria,» they add.

This is why, they say, «they have added over time numerous destabilisation attempts, attacks against authorities, as well as against institutional and tourist sites, and finally the inclusion on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

This last measure, they point out, has serious consequences for anyone who wants to deal with Cuba, from humanitarian aid to university research, to trade and the issuing of visas for citizens.

They refer to the fact that on 15 May, the US State Department informed Congress of the list of countries that in 2023 «did not fully cooperate» with its «anti-terrorist» policies and, for the first time, Cuba was not named, although it is still included on the list of States that sponsor terrorism.

«We fully support the request reiterated by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 16 May to remove Cuba definitively from that list,» the note states.

On the other hand, these organisations assure that «we will continue in our country at Cuba’s side, promoting information and awareness of the progress of the Revolution and the Cuban people, as well as the infamous consequences of the economic blockade to which it is subjected».

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