En este momento estás viendo Cuba’s Parliament to debate issues on the national agenda

Cuba’s Parliament to debate issues on the national agenda

The Permanent Working Commissions of the National Assembly of People’s Power (parliament) will debate important issues on the national agenda from today, prior to the IV Ordinary Period of Sessions of this body, in its X Legislature.

For two days, the deputies will focus on issues such as the problems affecting the population and the legislative actions to solve them.

They will also discuss the transformation of the science, technology and innovation system, the care system and the accountability of delegates.

They will also discuss, among other issues, the economic plan for 2025, including estimates for the end of the current year.

The Fourth Ordinary Session of Parliament, in its 10th Legislature, will be held from 18 to 20 December, also at the Havana Convention Palace.

The ANPP is the supreme organ of Cuban state power, and the only one with constitutional and legislative capacity; its current legislature is composed of 470 deputies, more than 55 per cent of whom are women.

They are elected by the free, direct and secret vote of the voters, in the proportion and according to the procedure determined by law.

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