En este momento estás viendo Cuba and Vietnam celebrate April victories in Ho Chi Minh City

Cuba and Vietnam celebrate April victories in Ho Chi Minh City

Cuba and Vietnam came together again, this time in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh City, to celebrate an April of victories that both peoples recall today with pride.

The Consulate General of the island there, together with the Union of Friendship Organizations (HUFO) and the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Organization of Ho Chi Minh City convened the celebration, which was attended by local leaders, representatives of the Foreign Ministry, university students, diplomats and Cuban residents.

The occasion was propitious to recall the historical significance of the triumph achieved 63 years ago at Playa Giron by the Cuban people over the mercenary invasion financed and organized by the United States, a feat materialized in less than 72 hours under the leadership of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

It also served to exalt the definitive liberation of South Vietnam, which became a reality on April 30, 1975 with the entry of the revolutionary army into the Palace of Independence in Saigon, and with it the long-awaited national reunification.

Vietnam has unconditionally supported Cuba’s profound socio-economic reforms and its stance on safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity, while sharing its ideals and principles on international issues, said Truong Thi Hien, chairwoman of the Friendship Association, at the meeting.

She further noted that bilateral relations are expanding in various sectors, including agriculture, industry, construction, culture, education, science, technology and health care.

Cuban Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Ariadne Feo Labrada in her remarks called for further strengthening multi-faceted cooperation between her nation and various Vietnamese localities, including the southern metropolis, as well as promoting exchanges to strengthen people-to-people diplomacy between the two countries.

He also took the opportunity to thank the city authorities for the recent donation of 500 bicycles to Cuba, which, he stressed, shows the permanent solidarity that characterizes the ties between the two sister nations.

As part of the celebration, there was an exhibition of photos of the historical relations between the two nations and paintings by Vietnamese students of primary and secondary school age, which was part of a contest organized by the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association of the City.

Traditional songs and dances performed by Cuban and Vietnamese artists were also presented, as well as a display of typical dishes from both nations.

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