En este momento estás viendo Council of Ministers addressed strategic issues for the country’s economic and social life at its last session of the year

Council of Ministers addressed strategic issues for the country’s economic and social life at its last session of the year

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presided over the last meeting of the year of the Council of Ministers, which addressed strategic issues for the economic and social life of the country.

Under the leadership of the member of the Political Bureau and Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, in the agenda of the meeting, the head of Labor and Social Security, Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, presented the available capacities for the continuity of studies of students who conclude the ninth grade, pre-university and towards Higher Education, taking into account the availability and also the demands of the organizations and the territories.

Likewise, the Minister of Higher Education, José Ramón Saborido Loidi, informed about the study and preparation plans for the leadres and reserves of the State and the Government, according to a Cuban Television report.

On this aspect, the Cuban head of state called for updating this preparation considering the challenges facing those who are responsible for leading the territories, municipalities and business systems.

The impact of the pedagogical training at the upper secondary level on the stability of teacher coverage was also addressed, and it was added that, despite the challenges of training, 33% of those who teach come from pedagogical schools.

The Council of Ministers was informed by the Comptroller General of the Republic, Gladys Bejerano Portela, on the results of the XIV National Audit of Internal Control and on the implementation of control actions in 2023.

The implementation of the industrial development policy was part of the agenda, an aspect in which Marrero Cruz pointed out the need to accompany the industry due to its importance for the country’s economic development.

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