En este momento estás viendo Civil Defence reports that Exercise Meteoro 2024 will not take place

Civil Defence reports that Exercise Meteoro 2024 will not take place

The National General Staff of the Civil Defence announced today the decision not to carry out the Popular Exercise «Meteoro-2024», scheduled for 31 May.

Due to its importance, we are transmitting the full Civil Defence communiqué:

Note from the National General Staff of the Civil Defence

Considering that during the week of 13 to 17 of this month the activities planned for risk reduction were fulfilled and plans and measures were updated to reduce vulnerabilities in all agencies and territories of the country before the next hurricane season, it was decided not to carry out the Popular Exercise «Meteoro-2024″.

The management and command bodies will continue to specify in the field the measures foreseen in the plans to face phenomena of this nature.

This decision will also make it possible to maintain the country’s efforts to restore the national electricity system…

National Civil Defence General Staff

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