It is everyone’s duty to provide comprehensive care to workers to prevent this from continuing to age and even sour in many workplaces.
Such solidarity accompaniment should not be an alternative today, but a priority, since the members recognize the usefulness of the union and demand a more protagonist and effective exercise in the defense of their interests before the administration.
Dusting off reports from the last decade, I find similar concerns that have become inventories of idle complaints: improvements in working conditions, including clothing, footwear, food, transportation and personal protection equipment, require solutions, according to a 2014 document.
Five years later, the text noted that the difficulties had mostly subjective causes in the management of occupational safety and health.
In 2023, the approaches again have a certain kinship. For example: in the province of Ciego de Avila, an essential element is the feeding of workers to ensure the coming sugar harvest, which requires greater efficiency of the livestock modules and agricultural areas.
Meanwhile, in the agricultural sector, the municipal self-sufficiency program is around 31.5 pounds per capita per month, with a slight compliance with the provincial plan, but the deliveries of food, vegetables, grains and fruits for the population are not yet satisfied.
About to begin a new stage in January 2024, with the beginning of the organic process of the XXII Congress of the CTC, both sectors require greater attention to their personnel, which until some time ago was like their inexhaustible resource, but for various reasons, among which is the lack of comprehensive care, about 2 thousand men and women have left the fields and a similar dilemma occurs in the sugar cane fields.
In order to stop the exodus and to guarantee the arms that ensure these fundamental productions of the economy, it is necessary, among other measures, that the basic attention to the worker does not decline, that he/she does not grow old, and both the administrations and the union are responsible for this.