En este momento estás viendo Advocate in Morón to expand comprehensive environmental culture
Photo: Radio Morón

Advocate in Morón to expand comprehensive environmental culture

As part of the Environmental Strategy of the Avileño municipality of Morón, they plan to broaden the integral environmental culture of the population by improving knowledge, skills, attitudes, changes in behaviour and modes of action.

To achieve this goal, environmental communication processes must be increased, as well as guaranteeing the adequate preparation of communicators and producers.

At the same time, they will make more efficient use of new information and communication technologies, prioritising issues related to the main environmental problems of the municipality and strengthening sustainable community practices so that the population contributes to the protection of natural resources affected by the impact of climate change.

These actions involve organisations such as CITMA, MINED, INDER, among others, but they concern all legal and natural persons, since the survival of our planet depends on them in the midst of all the environmental problems caused by global warming and the commotion generated by human beings.

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