En este momento estás viendo Actions prior to the elections carried out in Majagua (+ Photos)
House-to-house visits make it possible to clarify the questions of the voters/Photos: Amador Rodríguez López

Actions prior to the elections carried out in Majagua (+ Photos)

House-to-house visits by representatives of political organizations and associations appear among the actions carried out in the municipality of Majagua prior to the elections on March 26.

These meetings, which include work and student centers, make it possible to establish dialogues aimed at evacuating any doubts that may exist regarding voting, with priority attention to those who will do so for the first time, without omitting the existing difficulties in the community environment.

In the last hours tour of district 6 in areas of the «Los Rusos» neighborhood of this head town, the sewage leaks were discussed by the neighbors, while Dr. Katia Agramonte Granado, who works in the medical office of family number 14 based there emphasized the effects of the roof of the facility.

The member of the Provincial Committee of the Union of Young Communists Yenima Díaz Acosta, who participates in the visits to the voters of the southwest of Ciego de Ávila, highlighted the dominance of the neighbors regarding the candidates for the Cuban Parliament and the civic duty they have to exercise their right to the vote on Sunday 26 under the best conviction is possible.

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