On the last day of a year that is disappearing like a river lost in the sea of time, we raise our words today to honour those who have been an example of sacrifice and perseverance: Cuban sportsmen and women.
Each one of them, from the one who raised the gold like a luminous torch to the one who crossed the finish line in last place, has written on the canvas of 2024 a story of courage and dedication.
We congratulate the victors, but we also honour the vanquished, for there is no greater feat than to give your all, even when glory slips through your fingers.
To those who fell in battle, know that your tears were not in vain; every drop of sweat and every wound are scars of greatness and marks that tell of your tireless struggle.
We pause to acknowledge the silent sacrifice that does not always make headlines, but is the true heart of sport. The early mornings in the gym, the strict diets, the hours away from home, the exhausted body and the mind in constant battle.
Each one of them is a giant, a weaver of dreams that inspires generations and on this island that breathes hope, their effort is a beacon of light.
They are the spark in the eyes of the child who first catches a ball and the motivation of those who run under the scorching sun, dreaming of emulating their steps.
But also, and with equal fervour, congratulations go to those who were their guides: the teachers and coaches who, often in the shadows, weaved the foundations of their greatness.
Each athlete carries with them the echo of those who taught them to dream. Without the coaches who, with infinite patience and under conditions that challenge hope, forge talents, there would be no victories. To them, masters of sacrifice, this chronicle also belongs.
With scarce resources and in adverse scenarios, they turn nothing into everything, they are the invisible architects of every triumph, the guardians of every worthy defeat and the ones who mould perseverance when strength falters.
Today we recognise their quiet dedication, their early mornings designing strategies, their sleepless nights worrying about their pupils’ injuries and their constant effort to transmit values that transcend sporting matters.
May they continue to move forward, overcoming difficulties with the same courage with which they face every challenge, because at the heart of Cuban sport beats the strength of the athlete and the spirit of the teacher.
To all of you, visible and invisible heroes, thank you for teaching us that true victory lies in dedication and love for what we do.
(Author: Boris Luis Cabrera)