En este momento estás viendo UNICA receives academic internship from a Mexican university
Academic internship from Universidad de Chinandega begins at UNICA

UNICA receives academic internship from a Mexican university

The Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila, UNICA, is holding an exchange program with students and professors from the Autonomous University of Chinandega (UNICA) in Mexico.

Mexican students and university professors exchange with their avilanian counterparts. Photos of UNICA

It is an academic internship that will last until December 19, promoted by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the avilanian high studies center.

The Autonomous University Chapingo, Mexico, is a public institution that enjoys national and international leadership and recognition for its high academic quality in education.

This Aztec university is committed to bringing its services and the transfer of its scientific and technological innovations to other institutions in the world.

It emphasizes the importance and magnitude of its contributions in scientific and technological research, hence the gain that both professors and students will obtain by participating in this internship.

The Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila, in its constant effort for professional improvement, maintains exchanges with its counterparts in several countries to contribute and receive knowledge.

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