En este momento estás viendo They insist on measures to avoid contagion of COVID-19
Photo Radio Morón

They insist on measures to avoid contagion of COVID-19

Although the World Health Organization decreed the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, various sanitary measures are still being followed in facilities linked to tourism to prevent the spread of this disease, taking into account that many of the cases reported today in Cuba are imported.

Mario Hernández Rivero, general director of the Jardines del Rey Airport Base Business Unit, explained that among the most important measures is the control of passengers arriving in the country through the traveler’s declaration, a fully automated mechanism that allows to the Ministry of Public Health to maintain adequate epidemiological control.

Hernández Rivero added that at the same time hand disinfection is maintained, an optional measure in the case of travelers, physical distancing, as well as epidemiological surveillance in the halls of the institution where passengers who present symptoms are monitored, the  diagnostic test by PCR is carried out.

These are necessary measures that, although they do not affect the well-being of visitors, guarantee their own safety, that of the workers and the people in general by preventing the entry into the country of the dangerous disease and its transmission, guidelines that reaffirm the condition the most hygienic and safe tourism in the industry without chimneys in the Greater Antilles. (Written by Llamil Ruiz González)

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