The XXII edition of the Festival Silencio Azul Miguel de los Santos in Memoria, successfully held this weekend in Morón, proved to be a formidable way to stimulate creative talent and musical inspiration in the territory, which is why this event was recorded in the history of the city.
Saturday was marked by the presentation of a dozen collateral awards offered by organizations, entities and economic representations, such as the Club de la Década, the Directorate of Culture, the Caonabo Museum, Health, the Movimiento Juvenil Martiano and the Humedal Grande Park, among others.
The Grand Prize of this edition, coinciding with the Best Interpretation, went to the work entitled Volver a amar, written by Mirelys Rodríguez, in the voice of Dayibi Luna.
For its impressive content, the First Place went to the song Habitación al Silencio, by the author and performer Roberto de la Cruz.
Second place went to Juego de amor, by Jorge Álvarez, interpreted by Alex Poveda, and third place went to Mi Viejo y Yo, by Fernando Fernández, in the voice of Raisel Rodríguez.
The jury decided to award two special mentions to Yunior Romero’s Yo pido perdón and Mi Ángel, voiced by José Carlos Alfonso.
Both days were attended by applauded figures such as Lucy Safont, Belarmino Quiñones, El Sinsonte de Cunagua and others of relevant artistic trajectory.
Magaly de la Cruz, widow of Miguel de los Santos, creator of the Festival, was present and Santiago Arias Martínez, author of the melody Silencio Azul, which gave birth to the Festival del Creador Musical in 2001, was once again recognized (Written by Leonel Iparraguirre González). (Written by Leonel Iparraguirre González)