En este momento estás viendo Palestine condemns Israeli attack on Gaza and annexation of the West Bank

Palestine condemns Israeli attack on Gaza and annexation of the West Bank

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry today denounced Israeli plans to annex the occupied West Bank while accusing Israel of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Plans to complete the phases of the gradual annexation of the West Bank would sabotage any regional and international effort to revive the peace process and negotiations, the Foreign Ministry warned in a statement.

It also accused the neighboring nation of trying to «create new facts on the ground that are difficult to overcome in order to prevent the implementation of the two-state solution.»

The war on Gaza and the illegal unilateral measures in the West Bank are aimed at perpetuating the separation between the two territories to kill any possibility of creating a Palestinian state, it stressed.

The Ministry held the Israeli government responsible for the results and repercussions of the army’s and Jewish settlers’ violations in the occupied territories.

It also questioned the continuous incitements to commit more crimes by several far-right ministers, especially the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, and the Minister of Finance, Bazalel Smotrich.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry accused both of providing support to the settlers, as well as protection and funds to expand their plans in the West Bank.

In this regard, it stressed that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government ignores the continuous international calls to evacuate all settlements in the occupied territory.

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