En este momento estás viendo Majagua beekeepers aim to take advantage of the flowering period
Oneido Gómez Farías, ratified the condition of vanguard at the level of municipality and province with 100 kilograms of honey per hive /Photo: Amador Rodríguez López

Majagua beekeepers aim to take advantage of the flowering period

The purpose of the members of the apicultural brigade of the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production La Manchuria, in the municipality of Majagua, is to increase the levels of honey from October to December, the stage of rich flowering.

Oneido Gómez Farías, in charge of this group where family ties predominate, said that white and purple bluebells as well as woody are plants that besides beautifying the fields at this time of the year provide high and nutritious levels of pollen highly demanded by the bees.

By taking into account these benefits of nature, the experience of this group is shown in order to achieve the best location of the apiaries to obtain the highest levels of raw material for the beehives.

During the previous campaign, this brigade of honey, wax and propolis production, as well as its leader, Oneido Gómez Farías, ratified their vanguard status at the municipal and provincial level with 100 kilograms of food per beehive, among other achievements, an aspiration they intend to repeat.

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