En este momento estás viendo Imagis Platform Modernizes Radiology Services

Imagis Platform Modernizes Radiology Services

Created by the Center of Medical Biophysics of the University of Oriente, in Santiago de Cuba, the current version of the Imagis platform, for visualizing, transmitting and storing medical images, favors the digitalization of radiology services in the eastern region of the country.

Adrián Alberto Mesa Pujals, a specialist in Computer Sciences at the entity, informed the Cuban News Agency that the software, used in X-rays, computerized axial tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, facilitates diagnosis and information management.

He mentioned among the main tools the projection of images in three dimensions, to generate new views and simplify interpretation, and highlighted the advantage of reviewing the results from the workplace, given the possibility of sharing them with other areas through hospital interconnection.

According to Mesa Pujals, they will begin marketing version 3.0 of the platform in the last months of this year, with artificial intelligence as a new property, in order to perform the imaging report automatically and without the direct intervention of the professional.

With the latest updates, tools that are rarely used were eliminated and the most frequently used ones were improved, in order to perfect the system interface and guarantee the comfort of the specialists during the use of the program, he explained.

According to Henry Blanco Lore, creator of Imagis, since its launching in 1998, tests have been carried out in reference hospitals in Santiago de Cuba such as the Infantil Sur Antonio María Begues César, the Oncológico Conrado Benítez and the general hospitals Saturnino Lora and Juan Bruno Zayas.

He assured the subsequent extension to more than 20 units in the eastern region, the provinces of Havana, Matanzas and Pinar del Río, the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud, as well as the Dominican Republic and Ecuador, due to the success achieved.

The software, currently installed in more than 30 hospitals in the country, contributes to the informatization process of the society from the efficiency point of view, since it reduces significant expenses to the health sector by eliminating essential materials for the Radiology service, such as medical films.

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