En este momento estás viendo Fidel in me, an evening to remember the leader of the Revolution (+Photos)

Fidel in me, an evening to remember the leader of the Revolution (+Photos)

The Fidel en Mí evening, in tribute to the sixth anniversary of the physical departure of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, took place this Friday on the steps of the University of Havana.

Led by Esteban Lazo Hernández, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and President of the National Assembly of People’s Power, Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PCC and Secretary of Organization of that organization, among other officials, deputy ministers of the country and authorities of the capital, the event was a tribute of the Cuban student body and the people in general to the historic leader of the revolutionary process in the largest of the Antilles.

Janny Gómez Blanco, vice-president of the Federation of High School Students (FEEM), said during the gala that Fidel has always been a reference for the revolutionaries of the world and that his roles as warrior, head of state, politician and intellectual will have an impact on the imagination of the children of Cuba and the whole world.

He evoked the close relationship between the Commander and the students and young people, so that his guidance is fundamental for many generations, he said.

Fidel promoted the march against the fiercest obstacles and demonstrated that youth is the best raw material of the homeland, said Gómez Blanco.

The FEEM vice-president stressed that nowadays young people are the ones who say yes to all the tasks of the Revolution in order to protect its conquests in a world full of forgetfulness and imperialist power that manipulates the cultures of nations.

Diana Piñera Ramírez, first instructor of the Union of Young Communists of the National Directorate of the National Revolutionary Police, commented to the Cuban News Agency (ACN) that it is a source of pride to pay tribute to the historic leader six years after his departure to immortality.

He said that Fidel lives in every child, young person and in Cubans and that his legacy remains present at all times.

For his part, Alejandro Pérez Fonseca, a civil engineer graduated from the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana, told ACN that the best tribute to the Commander in Chief is to carry out all that the Revolution needs at this time and to defend sovereignty and the principles that have been upheld since 1959.

The Fidel en mí evening featured the participation of singer-songwriters Annie Garcés, Eduardo Sosa, Arnaldo Rodríguez, Verónica Velázquez and the Diminuto Choir.

The Boyeros Band, poets Alex Díaz and Roly Ávalos, and dance students from the National School of Arts also participated in the evening.

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