En este momento estás viendo Creators of Majagua exhibit samples of integrated community work
Jeisy Gómez Castilla and Yarisleiky Echemendía Reinaldo, showed means to know the traffic signs /Photos: Amador Rodríguez López

Creators of Majagua exhibit samples of integrated community work

More than a hundred samples were presented at the Integrated Community Work Workshop, which was held in the municipality of Majagua by representatives of the People’s Council of the head town.

The exhibition, which was open to the public in the Mirta Aguirre Public Library, included items for personal use and household objects, as well as toys, teaching aids and the results of a community project for students with special educational needs.

The member of the Mujer Creadora programme, Elsa Pérez Hernández, presented a tapestry with the figure of the Granma yacht and liners for blenders; while Miriam García Correa, an educator from the Bebé children’s circle, showed the role of the carpenter of her own creation and Marisleidi Rodríguez Gómez, from the same institution, provided innovative means based on elements of nature, for the enrichment of language in infants aged 1 and 2 years old.

For their part, the educators of the Circulo Infantil Amanecer de América, Jeisy Gómez Castilla and Yarisleiky Echemendía Reinaldo, showed means aimed at learning the traffic signs and the teacher Eneida Palacio Griñan, argued about the results of the Project «Rescuing joy, dreams and hope» carried out jointly with the also pedagogue Isabel Vizcaíno Fernández, with the support of the non-governmental organisation CARITAS.

Yamileth Farías Hidalgo, president of the Governing Body and director of the integrated community work project, reported that a similar event had previously been held in the Guayacanes Popular Council district, and that a similar event will be held in Orlando González, Limones Palmero and Mamonal during the rest of the month, as well as a municipal workshop at the end of the year.

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