En este momento estás viendo Communicators from Ciego de Ávila awarded
The recognition of the awarded was in charge of Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Central of Workers of Cuba in Ciego de Ávila. Photo: Yanara Quintero León

Communicators from Ciego de Ávila awarded

The recognition was made at the ceremony for the Day of the Communications Worker in Ciego de Ávila

Committed to the digital transformation, one of the tasks that mark the work of the computerization program of Cuban society, the provincial act for the Communications Worker’s Day was held in Ciego de Ávila.

At the meeting, the Mario Muñoz Monroy distinction was awarded to women and men in this sector with 20, 25 and 50 years of uninterrupted work and relevant labor, union and social career, recognition delivered by Niurka Ferrer Castillo, general secretary of the Central of Workers of Cuba in the Avilanian territory.

The October 8 seal was also awarded to several workers for the impact of their innovations in the Etecsa Telecommunications Company, and the most outstanding groups were encouraged for the fulfillment of their productive and economic plans, the provision of services and the operation of union sections.

Yanara Quintero León, general secretary of the Provincial Bureau of the Union of Communications, Information Technology and Electronics Workers (SNTCIE), reported among the activities currently undertaken by members of this sector, the assemblies in workplaces for the presentation of the economic plan and the budget for this year, the days of decisive effort to contribute to food production and support for the elections scheduled for March 26, with a view to selecting the deputies at the polls to the National Assembly of People’s Power.

The outstanding labor groups for their integral management during 2022 were encouraged by the Provincial Bureau of the SNTCIE. Photo: Yanara Quintero León

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