En este momento estás viendo Chambas authorities work on preparations for national elections

Chambas authorities work on preparations for national elections

The members of the Chambas Electoral Commission are working on preparations for the elections scheduled for March 26, when the deputies to the nation’s parliament will be determined by free, direct and secret vote.

Adairis Serrano Hernández, president of the aforementioned Commission, explained that they are currently working on the verification of the voter lists, an action that is carried out through house-to-house visits and with the support of the mass organizations. In the same way, they will participate in the meetings in each Popular Council of the territory, with the purpose of committing the active participation in the process of community factors.

Serrano Hernández pointed out that from March 6 to 10, the publication in public spaces of the biographies of the two Chambas candidates for the National Assembly of People’s Power is planned. On a similar date, the lists of the voters will also be displayed so that they can verify their correct registration in them.

The territory has 507 electoral authorities, which receive the training conceived in different stages. (Yaimer Mujica Perez)

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