There are multiple actions that guarantee the delivery of the condition of Latir Avileño to the group of the Provincial Highway Center in Ciego de Ávila, granted during the central act in this territory for the Moncada anniversary.
Among the tasks performed by these workers are the chapping on the sides of the highways, the painting of culverts and bridges on roads of national interest, and the repair of the elevated ones in the main city.
The group of that center, among the most outstanding of its kind in the country, proposed 26 tasks for a «26 of Victories», with the maintenance and conservation of streets in all the municipalities of Ciego de Ávila.
This was announced by Ernesto Ríos Cruz, director of that entity, who added that among the actions in greeting to the Day of National Rebellion, work was done on the repair of two bridges and four culverts.
The workers of the Provincial Highway Center also executed the patching of the highway that goes from the Jardines del Rey Airport to the tollbooth, and that of the Northern Circuit, as well as the landscaping of the intersection of the Coco and Paredón keys.