A representation of students from the Federation of University Students, FEU, in Morón, recalled the revolutionary events of March 13, 1957, with a symbolic assault on the Radio Morón station, an activity that was attended by the highest authorities of the Party, the government and the UJC in the territory.
At the opening of the commemoration, the recording of the assault on Radio Reloj was heard and the address offered to the people of Cuba by José Antonio Echeverría, President of the University Student Federation, on the assault on the lair of the tyrant Fulgencio Batista.
A student, on behalf of the University Student Federation, highlighted the historical significance of the events that occurred on March 13, 66 years ago, and ratified the conviction of principles and continuity that characterizes the current generation.
The activity also recalled the date of March 14, 1892, founding of the Patria newspaper by José Martí, which became Cuban Press Day, with extensive recognition of the journalists of the Morón Te Ve channel and the CMIX Radio Morón station.. (Written by Leonel Iparraguirre González)