The fact that more than 700 cases of fever have been detected so far this month, including 23 suspected cases of dengue fever, complicates the current epidemiological situation in the municipality of Majagua.
In accordance with the most recent guidelines, the blocking of dwellings with suspected cases is only carried out in properties in which at least one of the members of the household has been found to be positive by IGM laboratory analysis.
Therefore, preventive actions such as environmental hygiene should be constantly increased and people should be made aware of the need to seek medical attention in the presence of high fever, headache, vomiting and diarrhoea, among other symptoms.
Also in these cases, the work of the investigators is decisive, taking into account that sometimes there are people who, of their own free will, find it difficult to go to a health care unit, and this is a way to contribute to the determination.
Although on the subject of investigators, although it is indicated that all medical offices have this type of work team, the information received by this reporter in a tour of some of these health sites leave much to be desired, closed premises, others to which delegates and sponsors only attended on Friday, some who have not yet gone and entire blocks feverish, according to reports.
What is certain is that the data offered at the beginning of this commentary requires mass action and actions that demand a large and competent surname, immediacy.