En este momento estás viendo Setting difficult goals in Ciro Redondo
A call made in Ciro Redondo to develop productive potentialities because the municipality is the basic cell of the national economy. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

Setting difficult goals in Ciro Redondo

Liván Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee of the Party and first secretary of the Party in Ciego de Ávila, gave the orientation

Achieving more income than expenses, which is known in economic terms as surplus, constitutes one of the main challenges in the execution of the economy plan and the budget for the current year in the municipality of Ciro Redondo in Ciego de Ávila.

This was revealed in a meeting with the presence of the leaders of the enterprises, budgeted units, political and mass organizations, and the Municipal Administration Council, chaired by Liván Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in Ciego de Ávila, and Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, Provincial Governor.

During the meeting, it was said that in order to overcome adverse conditions with the application of alternatives and the optimal use of the productive reserves of Ciego de Avila territory, it is necessary to eradicate economic losses in priority sectors such as food production.

In this sense, it was learned that with this negative result the Sugar Agro Industrial Company Ciro Redondo closed the recently concluded year with a production of only 2 thousand tons of the sweet grain, a little more than 3 percent of the commitment of the past year.

The entity director, engineer Danilo Fernández Madrigal, explained that 2023 must make a difference based on the application of a flexible business scheme that enables higher levels of sales and income, the development of technological innovation projects and productive linkages with several centers to diversify products and contribute to municipal self-sufficiency and food sovereignty programs.

Izquierdo Alonso oriented to change the pace to carry out with more dynamism each task due to the great economic-productive potential of the municipality of Ciro Redondo that determines the development of the province.

It is necessary to set high goals that are difficult to reach, on that depends the 26th of July that we have to give to the people of Ciego de Ávila, emphasized the party leader.

We have to change the pace because we have become accustomed to doing the same thing, it is true that the blockade hurts us, but they have it as a justification in many places and in others they have found alternatives and efficiency. How are we going to make Ciro Redondo the most productive municipality in the avilanian province?». Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

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